High Intensity Training
How HIT Training Is Turning All We Know About Bodybuilding On Its Head!
HIT Training (High Intensity Training) is revolutionizing the way we look at weight training and for good reason. Though high intensity training has become increasingly more well known, many individuals choose to ignore the practical philosophy behind it and continue using tired training principles to only obtain mediocre results. On top of that the bodybuilding industry definitely won't endorse it anytime soon because HIT Training speaks against using the masses of supplements that account for the millions of dollars made in the weight training industry. For this reason high intensity training will most likely stay an underground weight lifting methodology that only a small hardcore percentage of bodybuilders and athletes train with to turn their bodies into high performance machines working out only a fraction of the time that everyone else does.
The reason why it works so well in regards to building muscle fast is that when you lift, you perform one set per exercise to absolute momentary muscular failure. Training in this form sets off a natural adaptive response in your body which causes muscle growth to occur much more dramatically. The classic multiple lifting set philosophy will give you some results because doing something is better than nothing. However, it will be apparent over a short period of time that HIT training will do more for building muscle than any supplement or multiple set workout can (unless of course you're using steroids!). The growth that you see a result of lifting weights generally comes from the building up of fast twitch muscle fiber which is for short term strength and speed. They're not all that efficient for running long distances at a steady even pace. This is why football players are so big, bulky, and fast while marathon runners are so skinny.Even though this is somewhat obvious, a lot of guys have this mentality that they need to do more reps and sets in order to build more muscle. What HIT Training preaches though is that, less overall work at greater intensity will always be more. And what I mean by less is only being in the gym for less than an hour. Anymore working out after the hour mark is useless and even counterproductive. 30 minutes, twice a week is all I need when HIT Training and I see fantastic results from it.Note: For more information on High Intensity Training checkout CyberPump!
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