Do Multivitamins Help Muscle Building

bodybuilding multivitamins

Below are some of the vitamins that are required to build muscle and strength:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a vitally important part in your whole immune system as well as muscle function. Today there are many studies that clearly show vitamin D is essential to the healthy function of our immunity in general. More than one study shows that correct vitamin D levels are directly associated with any muscle strength performance.

USANA research tells us that an optimal range for vitamin D in an average body is, 4000 to 6000 IU supplements vitamin D taken every day. USANA's one Vitamin D supplement will have 2000 IU vitamin D in each tablet. Your body relies on vitamin D for many chemical reactions to happen, including the uptake and the utilization of both calcium and phosphorous, both of which are also required for any muscular contraction, plus bone growth and your core strength. Phosphorous is also a vital mineral required for any ATP production to happen.

Omega-3 Fats

Studies done can now show that all omega-3 fats or fatty fish is able to decrease muscle-protein breakdown. Sports scientists explain this by saying it improves insulin sensitivity, and the insulin resistance that is associated with muscle-breakdown. A recent study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that taking fish oil enhances the effects of strength training for elderly women.

Vitamin C

We need vitamin C for muscle to function properly. Vitamin C is also required for your collagen and your elastin synthesis, as we know it's an important supplement and should be taken daily. Vitamin C is responsible for blood vessels health, supports your muscles' need for oxygen and other important nutrients. Broccoli, grapefruit, tomatoes, and strawberries are packed with vitamin C.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that is able to help your cell membranes recover from any oxidative stress. Your cell membrane reliability is required for growth and cellular function. Almonds, avocados, spinach, and carrots are packed with vitamin E; you'll also find it in sunflower oil, olive oil, canola oil, and corn oil.

B Vitamins

There are a range of B vitamins required for muscle strength and muscle tone:

B1 (thiamin), is vital for protein metabolism as well as forming hemoglobin, which carries any oxygen to the cells, including your muscle cells. Without oxygen your energy production gets compromised. B1 nutrients are found in cereals, breads, rice, meat, and nuts.

B2 (riboflavin) is required for your glucose metabolism, your energy metabolism, and the required oxidation of these fatty acids. There have been some effects shown on protein metabolism. Cheese, eggs, peas, and milk, are packed with vitamin B2.

B3 (niacin) is required for energy production. Milk, eggs, potatoes, legumes, and fish, are packed with B3.

B6 (pyridoxine), is required for protein metabolism, your growth, and any carbohydrate utilization. Soybeans, fish, butter, and brown rice are packed with B6.

B12 (cyanocobalamin) is required to maintain nerve tissue, it's also essential for metabolism of carbs and fats, cell regeneration and energy metabolism. Milk, poultry, meat, eggs, and liver are packed with B12.

B7 (biotin) is required for amino acid metabolism B7 is needed to build muscle and strength. Mushrooms, beef liver, egg yolk, and brewer's yeast are packed with B7.

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